What To Know If You're Seeing Flying Termites Around Your Birmingham Home

Serving Families Throughout Hattiesburg
swarmers and discarded wings

As the spring season rolls around, Birmingham residents may start to notice the emergence of flying termites in or around their homes. This annual phenomenon, also known as termite swarming, can be quite alarming and may lead to concerns about the structural integrity of one's property. When winged termites are spotted, it's important to take the appropriate measures to prevent active termites and protect your home from potential damage.

Flying termites act as an early warning sign that a termite colony may be forming soon. However, while the sight of swarming termites can be unsettling, it's important to stay calm and take a proactive approach, which involves partnering with the knowledgeable and resourceful team from Havard Pest Control. We deliver advanced solutions to eliminate winged termite swarmers on your Birmingham property to thwart an infestation in the making.

Let's take a closer look at these unique termites and emphasize why working with Birmingham pest control experts is the best way to eliminate them before they can do any damage.

How To Identify A Flying Termite

If you think you've seen ants flying around, chances are you've mistaken them for another devious pest. You may have flying termites around your property, scoping out the area to assess if it's the ideal location to establish a brand-new colony. These kinds of termites, also commonly referred to as swarmers or alates, are the reproductive members of a termite colony's caste system.

They have distinct physical characteristics that differentiate them from other insects, like ants or bees. Flying termites in Birmingham are typically between 1/4 and 1/2 inches long and have soft, cream-colored bodies. They have two pairs of clear, slightly veiny wings of equal length that extend past the length of their body.

One of the key features that distinguish flying termites from other insects is their straight, beaded antennae. These antennae are also longer than the termite's body, with a marked elbow-like bend near the end. Their elongated thorax features three distinct segments and is separated from their abdomen by their broad waist.

Identifying flying termites can be an early warning sign of a termite infestation, allowing you to take swift action to prevent property damage. If you've noticed termite swarmers around your property, contact a qualified pest control company for further assistance.

Flying Termites Doesn't Necessarily Mean An Infestation

While the sight of flying termites around your home can be concerning, it's not completely indicative of an active termite infestation in progress. There are several reasons why flying termites may be present in your area, and understanding these factors can help you determine the next steps you should take to protect your home.

It's important to understand that flying termites are not the same as worker termites, which are responsible for feeding the colony and causing damage to wood structures. Flying termites are the reproducers of the group and emerge from their nests in large numbers to mate and establish new colonies. You may even catch a glimpse of these termites flying toward light sources, such as streetlights or porch lights, around spring or early summer.

Additionally, it's possible that the flying termites in your area are not actually coming from your home but from a neighboring property or natural area. Termites are social insects that live in large colonies, and their presence can extend far beyond the boundaries of your property. If your neighbors have a termite infestation, those flying termites are likely coming from their property.

Also, not all termite colonies produce flying termites every year. Factors such as weather conditions, the age of the colony, and the availability of food sources can impact the emergence of flying termites. The presence of flying termites in one year doesn't necessarily mean there's an active infestation underway.

If you're unsure whether you're dealing with an active infestation, contact reputable termite and pest control professionals to set up a complete in-home assessment.

Factors That Attract Flying Termites To Your Home

Flying termites are attracted to your home for the following reasons:

  • There is excess moisture, such as standing water or leaks.
  • There is plenty of cellulose-based food sources, like wooden structures or debris.
  • There are bright outdoor lights around your patio or driveway.
  • There are warm and humid temperatures in or around your home.
  • There are multiple foundational crevices and cracks that make for easy access inside.

Address leakage issues and remove rotten tree stumps and yard clutter. Also, contact a pest service that specializes in termite control.

The Best Thing To Do About Flying Termites Around Your Home

For the ultimate termite protection in Birmingham, look no further than the team at Havard Pest Control. We're committed to improving the lives of our residents, which includes protecting their valuable possessions against the threats of destructive pests. We'll work closely with you to devise a strategy that suits your specific situation. Don't wait until matters worsen to take action. Reach out to us today to request your free inspection!